5:13 AM

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Discussion Groups

Discussion groups or forums are places where people get
together and talk about a common interest. If you sell
bodybuilding products, you may want to get involved in
bodybuilding and weight lifting forums.
Most of these
forums have strict regulations against advertising and spam.
Be sure to read, then obey their guidelines. 
Become part of the group. Participate in discussions with
credible information and opinions. Don’t participate in
heated debates or mudslinging. What you want to do is
build a reputation for being someone they like and trust.

5:13 AM

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Webmaster Forums

Share what you’ve learned in the process of designing your
site and building traffic by joining Webmaster forums.
Include your site URL as your signature, once again. You
can also use your URL for reference. In addition to placing
these links and sharing your information, you can also pick
up helpful tips from other webmasters.

5:04 AM

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Continuously Build Your Website

Keep planting the seeds of success by letting your website
evolve. If you cut off the website’s potential growth, you
are also limited the number of visitors and the ones that will
return. Adding new sections that will interest your visitors
also gives you more AdSense ads that you can use and
profit from.

2:16 AM

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Easy Navigation

Make sure all the pages on your site can be navigated to
from your home page;
otherwise, they may not be indexed.
You have more chance of a higher search engine ranking
and a better shot at a higher CTR if crawlers index all your

2:15 AM

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Get Legit Traffic

Don’t waste time with link farms and classifieds. Not only is
it a waste of money, search engine’s algorithms are
extremely complex and will catch on. You’ll be banned from
the search engines. The best way to build traffic and boost
your AdSense CTR is to create and expand quality content,
focus on popular keywords, and implement the tips listed
above like newsletters, etc.

2:14 AM

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Use a Catchy Domain Name

Domain names are getting harder and harder to come by,
especially the ones that seem the most catchy. However,
spend some time doing a search and try to find one that a
visitor would easily remember.
If you owned an online
health food store and called it Jack’s, which domain name
alone would give you more traffic? Would it be Jacks.com or
healthfoods.com? It would be the second choice, of course.
Someone is likely to find your site by its domain name by
simply typing it into a search engine since your domain
name is also a frequently used search term.

2:13 AM

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Boosting Your AdSense CTR Rate

In addition to a good SEO program, there are ways you can
maximize your CTR with AdSense as well. Factors like
targeted traffic, where you put your ads on the page, how
many pages you have them on, things you have on your
page, and even the width of the ads all may affect your CTR.
Increasing your CTR rate is trial and error, with what works
for some not working for all. But there are some
techniques, as listed below, that work with almost all
AdSense webmasters.
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