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Viewing the Ads

Since AdSense ads are targeted to your audience, it should
be easy to work them into a page so that they compliment
the content. You don’t want your ads to stand out, but
instead, to blend into the page. Your AdSense ads should
just be more information for your visitors.
Think of it this
way: by having targeted ads, you are doing them a favor
and making their search a little easier. The ads will relate to
your content, so they are going to be of some interest to
your viewers. It’s important to place those ads on the page
where they can help your visitors.
Just remember, they should blend into your site. They
should not stand out or be hidden. They are simply a part of
the resources you offer your customers. If you think of
them that way when you place them on the page, you’re
going to pick the right spot every time. You’re giving your
visitors more information that they might need. You’re
giving yourself more AdSense revenue because your visitors
will be much more likely to click through the ad.
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